Antibiotic analysis

Antibiotic analysis

Milk analyser

EXPLORER 2.0 - Detection of antibiotics in meat and eggs

Food contaminated with antibiotic residues should be prevented from reaching the consumer. The detection of antibiotics is compulsory and levels should comply with the Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) state by the European Union (Commission Regulation EU No 37/2010). The Four Plate test is commonly used for detection of antibiotics in food. This method is tedious, requires stabilization of several bacteria strains and takes about 24 hours. Moreover, the sensitivity is well above the MRL for sulfonamides. Explorer is a microbial growth inhibition test that can be used for detection of antibiotic residues in food. It is a very simple and ready-to-use test, with a sensitivity complying with EU-MRLs.

  • Sensitive: complying with EU MRLs
  • Qualitative: broad-range screening of inhibitors
  • Assay time: about 3h
  • Results: visual or photometrical (595 and 650 nm) reading
  • Suitable for: raw meat, liver, kidney, feed and eggs
  • Format: microtiter plate with individual tests and ampoules

Milk analyser

Milk analyser

Antibiotic detection Explorer + e-Reader

Incubates at 65ÂșC

Continuous colour reading

Determines the end of the assay

Interprets results

Automatic stop and interpretation: avoids mistakes, standardised results, guarantees the best assay performance,achieves the best sensitivities



Oberdorfstrasse 51
CH 3930 Eyholz
tel + 41 27 946 80 18
fax + 41 27 946 86 42