Testo 480- climatic measurement
new measuring instrument for portable climatic measurement technology, facilitates the standards-compliant adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems) in office, residential and industrial buildings and records all relevant parameters when taking climatic measurements.
Using this one measuring instrument and its probes, you can record parameters such as flow velocity, temperature, humidity, pressure, illuminance, radiated heat, degree of turbulence and CO2.
The digital probes with integrated memory notify the instrument once the next calibration is due. Once the user has entered all calibration data via the software, this is stored in the probe permanently.
simply guides you through the entire measurement chain and the measurement report in just a few steps:
- Simply input the location straight into the measuring instrument via the large colour display or onto the PC using the EasyClimate software.
- Measurement via freely definable measuring programs, e.g. guided HVAC grid measurement according to EN 12599.
- Store readings in the instrument quickly and reliably using the trackpad and assign the location/measuring point.
- Print data on-site, transfer to the PC from SD-card or via USB-cable.
- Analyse, manage and archive the data using the EasyClimate PC software. Create reports quickly and easily with the report designer.