Iodine measurement with Iodine Direct

Quantitative and semi quantitative method of iodine in food and dietary supplements


Quantitative and semi quantitative method of iodine in food and dietary suppléments. (ref 83008)

Description of the Iodine test

Iodine is a micronutrient absorbed by the thyroid gland for the hormones production. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, hormones containing iodine, have an important role in cell metabolism, reproduction and growth. Iodine deficiency is associated with thyroid dysfunction. Lower levels of these hormones affect the development and function of several organs, including the brain. Chronic iodine deficiency leads to cretinism, development of abnormalities, increased perinatal mortality and intellectual disability.
Alternatively, excess intake of iodine leads to hyperthyroidism and autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. This element is beneficial for proper function of the human body and the content of iodine in food and dietary supplements requires continuous monitoring.

Presentation of the Iodine test

50 tests/ kit
R1 – 5 mL. (substrate)
R2 – 5 mL. (stabilizer)
R3 – 2.5 mL. (chromogen)

Procedure of the Iodine test

(Semiquantitative )
1. Collect 250 uL. of sample
2. Add 100 uL. of R1
3. Add 100 uL. of R2
4. Add 50 uL. of R3
5. Incubate the solution at 55°C for 10 minutes in a water bath or in a dry incubator
6. Read the formed colors and compare with the color chart.
Follow the same steps as in semiquantitative method up to step 5.
6. Choose IOD from the panel of exams in Electra m2 Unified Analyzer and measure quantitatively the sample. The method can be applied in all the commercial spectrophotometers. Just contact us for more informations.

* for sample preparation please consult the Leaflet Iodine Sample Preparation.

stability: 24 months at room temperature