L Carnitine detection kit

Quantitative method for measuring L Carnitine.


L-carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound involved in metabolism in most mammals, plants, and some bacteria. In support of energy metabolism, carnitine transports long-chain fatty
acids from the cytosol into mitochondria to be oxidized for free energy production, and also participates in removing products of metabolism from cells.
This kit is applicable for testing of L-carnitine in infant and toddler food and milk powder.

Principle of the L carnitine test

The current L-carnitine Test Kit is based on an enzymatic assay for the quantitative determination of the total L-carnitine in food, animal feed and pharmaceutical products. The kit principle is accordance with ISO standard. L-carnitine is extracted from sample and then diluted. The diluted sample extract and substrate are added into the microtiter plate well which is coated with enzyme. Incubate in the dark at 20-25oC for 30min. The plate measurement is done using an ELISA reader at 412nm or 405nm. The OD value of the sample can be read from the standard curve.

Kit Components

Microtiter plate, 8 wells per strip, 6 strips, in total 48 wells
Sterile water 30mL, 1 bottle
Concentrated substrate, 1mL/bottle, 1 bottle
L-cartinine Solid Standard, 2 bottles
Microplate cover, 1 piece

Required reagents and instruments (not provided)

Potassium hydroxide KOH, 4mol/L (22.4g KOH dissolve with ultrapure water or deionized water, and dilute to 100mL)
13% HClO₄ Solution (Take 13ml HClO₄and dissolve with ultrapure water or deionized water, and dilute to 100mL)
Ultrapure water or deionized water
Aseptic bench
ELISA reader with 412nm or 405nm
Water bath 40°C
pH meter
Centrifuge >8000 x g
Pipette 20-200μL;100-1000μL
Centrifuge vials with screw cap 15mL and 50mL
Vials 1.5-2.0 mL
Spiral glass pot 500mL
Volumetric flask 100 and 1000mL
Beaker 100mL
20mL sterile syringes with 0.45μm filter
Filter paper

stability: 12 months when stored at 2-8°C

Ref. R6004