Half masks in class FFP2 MB20

CHF 11.00CHF 900.00

Disposable FFP2 protective mask. Without valve.

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Basic mask FFP2 without valve.

10 X TLV

The threshold limit value (TLV) is defined as the concentration in air that may be breathed in without harmful effects for five consecutive eight-hour working days.

Use of the mask

Protection of moderately toxic solid particles. These products can be used in industries such as: mining, steel industry (version with exhaust valve) and chemicals. The masks can be used during hardwood processing, machining of aluminum and its alloys, metal ore processing and powder coating. Protection against dust such as coal (containing more than 10% free silica), asbestos, copper, barium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese.

CE standard, EN 149: 2001 + A1: 2009, directives No. 89/686 / EEC, in accordance with the regulations of the European Parliament and Council