Detection of milk-mixture – RC-BOVINO and RC-CAPRINO

Detection of milk-mixture

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Milk with high economic value is commonly adulterated with milk from species of lower cost. This adulteration can be important for cheese makers, unknown milk mixtures produce changes in the final sensory properties and reduce the product quality. Also, pure cheese cannot contain milk from other species.

Sheep milk is more expensive than goat or cow’s milk and tends to be adulterated with those of lower cost. RC kits are ELISA tests for quantitative determination of milk mixtures.

RC BOVINO kit is a quantitative test to detect the presence of cow’s milk in goat or sheep’s milk. The test is an immunoassay based on the detection of bovine immunoglobulins (IgG) in milk and cheese samples.

RC CAPRINO kit is a quantitative test to detect the presence of goat’s milk in sheep’s milk. The test is an immunoassay based on the detection of caprine immunoglobulins (IgG) in milk and cheese samples.

  • Quantitative: range: 0-10% (cow) and 0-15% (goat)
  • Sensitive: detection of 0.1% mixture
  • Suitable for: milk and cheese
  • Assay time: 90 min
  • Equipment: ELISA reader 450 nm