CappAero 384 Multichannel Pipette

16 or 48 channels pipette



By 96 well qPCR you can easily operate with an 8- or 12-channel pipette, as the size of the plate is 8×12 wells.

When switching to a 384-well plate, being 16×24 wells, a standard multichannel pipette is not sufficient, unless you pipette only into every second well. This is neither efficient nor comfortable on a longer term.

The solution can be simpler as you imagine– a 384 well qPCR manual pipette! Starting with the 16-channel pipette, with which you can take 1 row at a time, through a 48-channel pipette – to take up 3 rows at a time, up to a 64-channel pipette, enabling you to process the whole plate in 4 pipettings only.

Exist in 3 versions: 16 channel (3 volume ranges: 0.2-2µl, 0.5-10µl and 5-50µl), 48 channel or 64 channel

Autoclavable at 121 °C