Wireless datalogger Newsteo

CHF 393.00

Wireless data logger

SKU: N/A Category:


The logger can transfer the data directly on a monitoring computer by radio frequencies or can store the data in its memory.

Up to 500 loggers can communicate with one RF-USB stick connected to the computer.

Specifications of the radio data logger

  • resolution: 12 bits
  • sample interval: 1 second to 4 hours
  • memory: 32768 points
  • min/max value
  • battery life: 2 years (for 1 mesurement/10 minutes), there is also an extension pack for a bigger battery (4 to 7 years)
  • dimension: 96 mm x 40 mm x 20 mm (antenna: 90 mm)
  • RF range: 30 m to 1 km (there are different antenna sizes)
Ref. sensor box max signal range (m) antenna
LGS31 potentiometric 1 Ohm-10 MOhms IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave
LGS32 potentiometric 100 Ohms-5 KOhms IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave
LGS34 4-20 mA IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave
LGS36 relay, 10 Hz max. IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave
LGS39 puls 1000 Hz max. IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave
LGS37 -50 mV to +50 mV IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave
LGS35 0 to 10 V IP65 900 external, 1/2 wave

special probes for LGS31

  • crackmeter FISSU-0001: 0 to 10 mm, IP40, other strokes available on request, uses the cable STY58-002
  • crackmeter FISSU-0002 : 0 to 25 mm, IP67, other strokes available on request, uses the cable STY58-003
  • crackmeter FISSU-0003 : Type Gefran PCM050 (0 to 50 mm-500 mm), IP65, other strokes available on request, uses the cable STY58-004