D116 Series Ultrasonic Flowmeter is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter designed using FPGA chip and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission.
Flowmeter Specifications
- Flow range: ±0.01m/s to ±5m/s
- Accuracy: ±1.0% of measured value
- Pipe size: Clamp-on 25mm to 1200mm
- Fluid: Water (waste water/sewage with low partical content, sea water, deinoized water, cooling water, potable water/ drinking water, tap water, hot water, industrial water…)
- Pipe material: carbon steel, stainless steel, PVC
- Outputs: OCT Pulse output (0~5000Hz), analog output (4~20mA,max load 750Ω)
- Communication interface: RS485 MODBUS
- Power supply: 10 to 36 V DC / 1 A
- Keypad: 16(4×4)key with tactile action
- Display: 20×2 lattice alphanumeric, back lit LCD
- Temperature: Transmitter -10℃ to 50℃ / Transducer 0 to 80℃
- Humidity: up to 99% RH,non-condensing
- Cable lenght: 9 m, max 300 m
- Weight: transmitter approximately 0.7 kg, transducer approximately 0.4 kg
- Different version with relay output, 4-20 mA output, RS232 or RS485, RTD input
Delivered material: transmitter, 2 transducers, pipe strips, coupling gel