Identification discs for yeasts

CHF 132.00

Assimilation diagnostic discs for identification of clinically significant species of yeasts.

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Assimilation diagnostic discs for identification of clinically significant species of yeasts. Principle is based on ability of yeasts to assimilate carbohydrates and other chemicals diffused from disc into agar, what causes that grow of strain is stimulated around assimilation disc.

50 or 500 tests

Arabinose, ARA

Cellobiose, CEL

Erythritol, ERY

Galactose, GAL

Glucose, GLU

Inositol, INO

Lactose, LAC

Maltose, MLT

Mannose, MNS

Melibiose, MLB

Melositose, MLZ

Nitrates, NIT

Peptone, PEP

Raffinose, RAF

Rhamnose, RHA

Ribose, RIB

Sorbitol, SOR

Sucrose, SUC

Trehalose, TRE

Urea, URE

Xylose, XYL