Half mask in class FFP3 with valve MB30

CHF 2.50

Disposable FFP3 protective mask with valve.

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 FFP3 mask with with valve.

20 X TLV

The threshold limit value (TLV) is defined as the concentration in air that may be breathed in without harmful effects for five consecutive eight-hour working days.

Mask use

Respiratory protection before high concentration of respirable dusts. Protect before : smokes of metals oxides( zinc, lead, arsenic, vanadium, silver), chromate dust mist, radioactive particles, dusts and mists of pharmaceutical raw materials, dusts containing : beryllium, antimony, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and radium. Masks can be used during welding and brazing.

In particular, they protect against asbestos, lead and ceramic particles. These protective masks are recommended when the concentration rate of polluting particles is twenty times higher than the maximum exposure value.

CE standard, EN 149: 2001 + A1: 2009, directives No. 89/686 / EEC, in accordance with the regulations of the European Parliament and Council