Data logger description
- capable of measuring, recording and displaying temperature (thermocouple K), voltage, current and frequencies
- memory for 8000 readings and a battery life of up to 3 years
- can operate as a ‘stand alone’ logger or be permanently connected to a computer (under Windows)
- addressable and up to 8 loggers can be connected to one serial port
- data output in text format and as graphics
- temperature range 1 (external, thermocouple K): -25 to +200°C, with a resolution of 1 °C
- temperature range 2 (internal): -10 to +50°C, with a resolution of 1 °C
- voltage range: 0 to ±2V, 0 to ±20 V with a resolution of 0.01 V, 0.1 V respectively
- current range: 0-2 A with a resolution of 0.01 A
- frequency range: 40 to 400 Hz, with a resolution of 2 Hz
- sampling rate: 1 sample per 5 seconds to 1 per 12 hours