The SI600 has the same standard functions as the SI400 version. It has a more has advanced data acquisition capabilities, that permit extensive storage of measured data points and continuous data logging at a user defined time interval.
Stored and logged data points can be transmitted to a PC through the USB port and with suitable software the meters momentary pH value and temperature can be queried.
for more details about the ISFET probes
pH meter technical description
- pH range: 0-14
- pH accuracy: +/- 0.01
- pH resolution: 0.01
- temperature range: -5 to 120 °C
- temperature accuracy: 0.5 °C
- temperature resolution: 0.1 °C
- calibration: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points
- offset: 0 to 9.99
- memory for current measurement (by pressind a button): 500 values
- automatically stored values at a user definable rate (1-60 sec): 65000 values
- operation on rechargeable batteries: 8 h (can also be connected permanetly on the power network with the charger)
- IP 65
- langages: english, dutch, french, german, spanish